The Indulgence of Islam

 Let's learn more and come closer to our role model Mohammad (ﷺ) (May Salat and Salam be upon him and his family).

How was his indulgence? 
Whenever the Prophet (ﷺ) was given a choice between two matters he would (always) choose the easier as long as it was not sinful to do so. He used to instruct doing the easy way and encouraging doing so. 
The Prophet said to Mu'aadh and his companion when he sent them to Yemen: "Treat the people with ease and don't be hard on them”. He (ﷺ) (PBUH) used to benefit from the permissions and instruct others to do so. He used to pray the Salats together (Jam'a) and prays them short (Qasr). And, he didn't fast when having an illness or while traveling. 

The messenger of Allah (ﷺ) (May Salat and Salam be upon him and his family) was eating food and walking in markets. And the prophethood didn't change him as an ordinary man. He wasn't an Angel and a messenger. Rather, he was a human and a messenger. He used to do like humans. So, when you see a religious person or a righteous man, don't think that because of this, he has transformed from humanity and he became an Angel. But, he gets angry and tolerant, He remembers and forgets and he wishes and loves. 

This is how our prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) (PBUH) was like. Simple and natural.
So take him as your Role Model. (May Salat and Salam be upon him and his family).

تنبيه : المرجوا عدم نسخ الموضوع بدون ذكر مصدره المرفق بالرابط المباشر للموضوع الأصلي وإسم المدونة وشكرا